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Services We Offer



Clinicians are available on-site for youth adult mental health and substance abuse counseling appointments.

Crisis counseling is available 24/7 by texting HOPE4SC to 741741.

Peer Support

Peer support are young adult staff that have experience with and are receiving mental health services that can help members with managing their own treatment and life goals.


Transition Planning

Transition specialists will create a customized transition goals plan with every member. Items of focus are education, housing, employment, transportation, and independent living.



Members that need medication or evaluation can schedule video conference appointments with the telepsychiatry doctor in our on-site telepsych room.



Nurse Services

The on-site nurse is available once a week for medication monitoring, taking vitals, health consultations, and other medical services.


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Computer Lab

Members can use the computer lab for homework, performing job searches online, and resume or application printing.



In addition to the above, Roads of Independence also offers a variety of workshops meant to help young adults learn life skills: resume building, educational goal setting, finance management, cooking classes, household management, and more. ROI staff work with community partners to help provide as much help as possible for our members. Members will also have access to the clothing closet, shower facilities, laundry facilities, snacks, and the engagement lounge amenities.

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